
Download Firefly Written by: Olusegun Ayomide Shedrach From: The Prime Insane Universe Read More Stories Contact Us : 08129563535 Facebook: Instagram: iu_prime Introduction It's very funny how people close to us keeps the toughest secret and still smile like all is well, even we think those with the coolest face should have the simplest mind and secret, but that's all wrong. And sometimes loving could prove the hardest thing and toughest thing to do, especially when one isn't sure if the other feels the same. "Let's go through the shortcut, I still have lecture to attend and I am running late" Victoria said, urging the boy with her to succumb to her idea "It's to dry in there, missing just one class won't really harm you" the boy said and heaved loudly, seeing it was of no use "Shior " the girl said, as a means of mocking the boy "Oya na Mide" she said ...